In May alone, there are forty-six health awareness observances and celebratory dates listed on Healthgrades for 2022. With so many areas being covered from mental […]
Exploring the Implications and Infancy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Labor and Delivery
Follow any news source, and you will see that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a widespread topic that’s been on the scene in healthcare for years. […]
The Air Force Core Values: A Foundation for Optimizing Perinatal Care
Submitted by Rebecca L. Cypher MSN-PNNP, RN, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM I want to share with you a set of values that will prepare today’s perinatal […]
Nurse Leadership Forum Middle East
Speak up, listen up, follow up Healthcare leadership unquestionably requires extra talents from the very start of a professional journey, quite aside from the clinical […]
Impact of Technology on the Future of Healthcare Post Covid-19
Background 2020 caught the world and healthcare providers by surprise. It has been more than 100 years since the world has faced a pandemic impacting […]
The Importance of Self-Care for Caregivers
The Importance of Self-Care for Caregivers. “In the event that there is a drop in Cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from the overhead […]
Maternal Oxygen Supplementation: What is Best Practice?
I started in labor & delivery in 1979, just at the beginning of the use of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM). To give you an idea […]
Childbirth: A Mother’s Joy and Too Many Others’ Nightmare
In a past “At the Nurses Station” article, On a mission to improve maternal safety, it noted the importance of quick, clinical decision-making to improve […]
Supporting the Breastfeeding Dyad during a Pandemic
Breastfeeding support during a Pandemic continues to challenge many healthcare providers and, as a Lactation Consultant, I work to support the breastfeeding dyad by providing […]
Perspective: Where Have All the Visitors Gone?
In another article in the At the Nurses Station with OBIX series where our clinicians share thoughts and views, Diana Sturlis reflects how some of […]